
Published on:

22nd Sep 2024

222 - 5 Hardest Things About Entrepreneurship (So Far)

Pauly talks about a few things off the top of his head before getting to the meat of this episode, which is, the five hardest things he has found about being an entrepreneur (so far).

Mentioned in this episode:

Behind the Studio Door

Hosted by Molly Darling and Christian Rivera, Behind the Studio Door takes listeners on a captivating exploration of artists and their creative processes. Through deep and meaningful conversations, they uncover the stories and experiences that shape the outward expression of their work. https://behind-the-studio-door.captivate.fm/

Behind the Glass

Hosted by Richard B Colón and Quajay Donnell, Behind the Glass is a monthly talk with the current month’s BTG Roster. Artists are interviewed about their submissions and we dive deep into their process, inspiration and thought process centralized around their artwork in the Behind the Glass Gallery located in the heart of Downtown Rochester NY. https://behind-the-glass-gallery.captivate.fm/

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About the Podcast

Pauly Guglielmo Show
Pauly Guglielmo is a former radio guy turned food business entrepreneur. While running a manufacturing facility is his day job, he likes to dust off his broadcasting skills once a week on this podcast and talk to entrepreneurs and other influencers.
Pauly Guglielmo is a former radio guy turned food business entrepreneur. While running a manufacturing facility is his day job, he likes to dust off his broadcasting skills once a week on this podcast and talk to entrepreneurs and other influencers.
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About your host

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Matt Knotts

Co-founder and curator of Lunchador Podcast Network, focused on art, culture and social issues in Rochester NY. Ticketing and Technology Coordinator for Anomaly: The Rochester Genre Film Festival